Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Snoopy Ears

I'm here and I actually have made something to share with you but I haven't taken photos yet.

My mother had surgery last week and, even thought it was fairly minor, it has really set us back.  I had to take a few days off work to care for Noodlebug.  He and I went to the Schulz Museum yesterday morning and had some fun doing crafts together.

They handed out a poem to glue onto the back of one of the crafts and I was surprised to find myself suddenly crying after reading it. I'll share the poem later.

I have been feeling really emotional lately.  Maybe it's because Noodle is growing up so fast and the window for having another child is closing.  I don't know.  I am so blessed to have had the privilege of being a mom.  And I find myself treasuring little opportunities with my son more and more.  I read that extra book at bedtime.  I take advantage of any snuggle time presented.  I try to actively listen to his stories and not get distracted.  I take time after work to do things with him instead of sort the mail or get caught up in household stuff.  I let him play in the bath a little longer and don't rush him into bed. Because you never know how many more of those opportunities you will have.

1 comment:

Nikella said...

I had no idea there is a Schulz Museum! And I so love the Peanuts!! I will definitely have to visit when I am in California the next time.
You seem to put so much thought into the things you do with your son. Your ideas are amazing!