Did you know that Saturday is Worldwide Knit in Public Day? Maybe that will be a good excuse to get started on those baby booties that I need to knit.
Also, I just found this funny post about these knitters who are doing "knit graffiti." They go out into public places and leave knitting on public sites such as lightposts. Check it out here.
And here is a non-knitting craft question...
Does anyone have a suggestion for painting wood pieces with acrylic paint in a way that the brush strokes don't show up? I have tried sponge brushes and regular brushes but I hate how it is looking.
Have you already tried using a spray-on clear-coat finish over the paint? You can buy it at any hardware or craft store.
I did something similar with that decoupage box I made for you. The best way to do it is to spray the clear-coat on (after the original paint dries, of course), let it set up for an hour, spray a second coat, let it set up, and do a third coat if necessary.
I only put one coat on your box, but even that made it look a hundred times better. Plus, I like the glossy finish (I think you might even be able to buy clear-coat in matte finish, but I'm not sure).
I hope that helps. I look forward to seeing what this project is all about!
Hi Malady! I just wanted to let you know that you won something over on my blog....I will need to get your snail mail so I can send it to you. Thanks! Karin
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