My creative juices are a little dry right now so I thought I'd share some of my friend's art with you. She is a gifted artist/cartoonist and writes the wonderful blog The Reign of Ellen. I call her "Frank" and she calls me "Malady." I had a reputation for being a bit dramatic in college so Ellen made this little cartoon...
Love it!!! What a funny gal!!! I love that you are spunky Amy!!! I'm in a not so creative mood lately too---millions of things I need to make...and no energy! By the Power of Greyskull!!! Sometimes I say this to give me power :) lol
What a great strip! I'm sure it brings back some fun college memories (except for those damn guys, perhaps. They're such a pain...)
Love the strip. Not to worry, your muse will return. Just keep thinking Pumpkins and Black cats
Amy, I dropped by to thank you for the package. It is absolutely great!! You must have some fun places to shop. Love the strip too. I think Karen is right, you will feel creative. Maybe take a walk or go visit your favorite store. Just relax.
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